Add/Edit Bookmark

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This dialog is used to add, update or remove definitions for the currently selected bookmark.

The dialog is opened by pressing the Add... or Edit... button placed on the Bookmarks window, from the Printing Preferences dialog.


Definitions list

The list-view contains information for all the definitions of the current bookmark:

·Name - definition name
·Description - contains the detection attributes for the currently selected definition, such as: font, size, style



The New button adds a new definition, with default detection options values, at the end of the list.



The Copy button provides a copy of the currently selected definition, and places it at the end of the list.



The Delete button removes the currently selected definition from the list-view.


Detection options

This group allows you to set formatting rules that will be used to detect the bookmarks.

You can choose one or more of the next detection options:

·Size and Size margin
·Style - Bold and/or Italic
·Color - you may choose a color from the color palette using the Choose button
·Enabled - this option signifies whether the currently selected definition will be taken into consideration


Display options

This group allows you to set how the detected bookmarks will be formatted and displayed in the PDF.

You can choose from the following display options:

·Style - Bold and/or Italic
·Color - you may choose a color from the color palette using the Choose button


Detection preview

This section illustrates the appearance of the current definition, accordingly to the detection options that are enabled.